Sunday 4 October 2009


The students have been studying the poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling and have created their own version for the pupils of Aycliffe Drive School.

If you help each other without being selfish,
If you share and play together and don’t keep yourself to yourself,
If you put yourself out for others and always help them,
And think about each other and don’t think about yourself,
If you try your best at everything and not waste sixty seconds of your time,
and can think things through and be willing to put your thoughts into action,
If you try for yourself, expecting to learn, and if you fail, try again,
Then you will be doing your best,

If you can bear to hear the truth without feeling criticised,
If you don’t waste valuable time but get on without making a fuss,
If you find yourself struggling with one idea and don’t become frustrated but move onto another,
And if others struggle, help them and don’t laugh at their mistakes knowing that you yourself are not perfect,
And when you struggle, persevere and not mind the effort knowing you will learn from it and sit up straight and smile,
Then you will be doing your best,

If you can keep your mind when others doubt you,
If you want certain subjects to be your aim but care about other subjects too,
If you are happy doing your work and always strive to produce better work,
and always do your best and finish what you have started,
If you find a subject hard but fight with determination,
If you always try to better yourself and share your own improvements with others,
and do not copy others even when all about you are copying,
If you don’t just sit there but ask the teacher and learn wisely from their answers,
Then you will be doing your best,

If people do not care for you but you do not worry too much,
Or it seems as if they do not want you but you still try your best,
If all around you are hurting others but you are willing to help them yet being teased for doing so,
If you hurt someone saying hurtful words you regret and are able to apologise and mean it and not do it again,
If you can last one whole day and not give up nor forget others struggles,
If your confidence fails but you try and carry on,
Then you will be doing your best,

If you help close friends but make sure others are helped too,
And when a new child arrives at school, you share kindness and helpfulness,
and you become their friend when they have no one,
If you play with someone to keep them happy even if you would rather be doing something else,
If you see someone crying and wipe away their tears,
and smile at someone sad even if they don’t smile back
Then you will be doing your best,

If you struggle to get up for school but set your alarm to make sure you are ready,
If you play your part in school and help your friends,
If you think about others and don’t keep your ideas to yourself,
and happily share with others things you have that they don’t,
If someone is lonely and you reach out to help them,
And if you see someone sad you talk to them with care,
If you try for a part and don’t get that part but are still happy with the part you are given,
If being treated right is how you want to live and how you treat others then hold your head high
for then you are doing your best, and you will succeed.
All Students from the English Creativity Classes

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Autumn Conkers '09

The students in Aycliffe Drive English Creativity Classes have written some Autumn poems by looking closely at all aspects of the conkers.

Autumn Conkers

The prickly, lime green cone rustles in the leaves as its world begins,
Its glossy inner shell is protected by the prickly packaged shielding,
As the shell divorces, it has a boot–polish shine
And it takes its first glimpse of the world
its shield torn apart.

The lime green shell opens as the conker takes a glimpse at the world,
It’s velvety, coconut blanket shelters the auburn treasure,
The shell sits on emerald leaves and is protected in luxury,
Glossy ,bronze conkers gleam as they sit in the sunshine,
The outer shell as prickly as a hedgehog,
Hot chocolate brown conker enveloped within,
The conker’s protection slowly withers,
As it sits alone on a blanket of leaves.


The barbed, lime green conker hung helplessly in the hovering trees,
Waving in the whistling wind.
The glimmering hot chocolate brown bodies, gradually peeping secretly to the world,
The deep shine mirror with sun beaming down on its face,
Wanting to unlock and start a new life.
In the gleaming hot sun, resting on a rainbow of colours cushioned on a patchwork quilt.
Gradually, a brand new quilt on the unlocked treasure chest.


A snowy white blanket imprisoning the conker under the paint pallet of leaves, Protected from the cold, light breeze,
Conkers at home dozing off in the pillow cased shell,
Conkers concealed in the packaged winter warm wonderland,
Succulent chocolate slippered in their home,
Shielded conkers different shapes and sizes,
Sheltered enveloped trying to catch a glimpse of the new world with its deep shined eyes,
The shrivelled wizened hand grasping for life,
Auburn eyes, eclipsed sphere.

Jack Price

The conkers live in luxury, a lovely hot chocolate brown,
Gleaming pillowed balls revealed to the world,
The inner shell is light and milky to protect its little treasure,
The prickly lime green shell awakening peeping sleepily,
Taking its first glimpse of the world with its big blinking eye,
The leaves and twigs surround it looking on angrily,
Wondering why they can’t live in such luxury,
The ripe split shell looking, staring at everything around it,
The wrinkled withered face,
Grinning a toothless grin,
It’s coming toward the end of its life,
The rest of the conkers saddened, saddened, saddened,
But a new life will begin.


Lime green spears fall to the Autumn ground,
Feeling nothing, wearing soldiers’ hard helmet,
Revealing the toasted, smooth, round chocolate,
The spiky case finally unlocks,
An eye begins to peep to the world,
Surrounded by a cosy, creamy blanket,
Outer shells shrinking as the auburn conker is born,
Deep shine, mirror smooth conker starts the adventure in new world,
Roasted claws gouge their way through the golden leaves,
Glimmering sun suddenly appears shining down on the
burnished conker,
Rolling down the hill the polish shine boot is forever lost in
the leaves.

As the lime green hedgehog fall to the ground,
The glossy, chocolate-brown conker looks around,
Peeking, nearly awake the conker sits in luxury,
As the prickly wrinkled shell cracks apart.
Cushioned in the soft creamy blanket,
The conker wakens,
So smooth it slips away from its bruised shell.


Lime green trees sway,
The conker drops suddenly,
The eyes blink taking quick peeps at their new surroundings,
And home,
Reluctant to leave their luxurious warmth,
The bronze glimmer reflecting in the sun,
Melting the chocolate treasure,
Softly leaves fall one by one
Onto the cradling fingers of the leaves
Out rolls the precious treasure


Sunday 1 March 2009

Don't Drop Litter Rap

Don’t drop litter out the car,
Even if you’re a Bollywood superstar,
Don’t drop litter in the school,
Even if you think you’re really cool.

Don’t drop litter in the street,
‘Cos to dogs it’s a scrumptious treat,
Don’t drop litter down the drain,
‘Cos to rats it may cause pain.

Don’t drop litter on the road,
‘Cos it may hurt the big green toad,
Keep the environment a good place,
Don’t even drop litter out in space.

Don’t throw litter out the car,
If the cops find out, you won’t go far,
Don’t drop litter around the school,
People will say you’re not cool.

If we all chucked rubbish in the road,
We would have a lorry load!
Don’t drop litter anyway,
You’d be in trouble the very next day.

Don’t drop litter, it’s not cool,
If you drop rubbish then you’re a fool,
Don’t drop rubbish for attention,
You’ll just end up with detention.

Don’t throw litter in the ocean,
It will end up as pollution,
Don’t drop litter in the street,
Everybody come and listen to the beat.

Don’t drop litter any place,
Let’s make this world as clean as space.
Don’t drop litter in the park,
Even if it’s very dark.

Don’t leave litter in the street,
Keep our world looking sweet,
Don’t throw litter here and there,
Don’t you care about our air?

Don’t litter throughout the day,
What’s the point anyway?
Don’t leave litter at your feet,
Pick it up when you but a sweet.

Don’t drop litter in the ocean,
Paper wrappers or suntan lotion,
Don’t throw rubbish in the ocean,
It just shows you have no emotion.

Don’t drop litter around the house,
This may hurt a very small mouse,
Don’t throw litter out the car,
It won’t get you very far.

Don’t drop litter, it’s a sin,
Put it in the recycle bin,
Don’t stuff litter down the drain,
What does anyone have to gain?

Don’t shove litter under your bed,
Think about what the dustbin man said,
Don’t throw litter on the floor,
Or your manners are extremely poor.

Don’t throw litter in our towns,
People who do are stupid clowns,
Don’t throw litter it is almost as worse,
As stealing someone else’s purse

Don’t push rubbish down the drain,
‘Cos for the cleaners it is a pain,
Don’t put litter up a tree,
Or the birds will choke and flee.

Don’t chuck litter on the sand,
Your mum will take you by the hand,
Don’t throw litter on the floor,
Your dad will kick you out the door.

Don’t push litter under your bed,
Or ants and bugs might appear instead,
Don’t hide litter in your bag,
It would make it really sag.

Don’t throw litter in the sand,
It really isn’t very grand,
Don’t drop litter at the beach,
Even if you’ve eaten a peach.

Don’t drop litter anywhere,
Promise now, do you swear?
You really shouldn’t grin,
If you don’t put your litter in the bin,

Don’t drop litter in the hall,
Don’t drop litter in the pool,
Dropping litter around the school,
Can’t be seen as being cool.

Don’t throw litter around the park,
Dogs will be angry and start to bark,
Put your litter in the bin,
If you don’t it is a sin.

Don’t drop litter, keep the world bright,
Don’t drop litter it’s just not right,
Don’t throw litter listen to the warnin’,
Make a change to global warmin’.

Littered oil floating in our ocean,
Could cause such awful pollution,
Don’t leave litter anywhere,
Show the world you really car,

Don’t drop litter,
It’s not nice,
Take my advice,Just think twice.

Stan, Stan Our Lollipop Man

Our friend Stan,
Is a lovely man,
We’re so glad that he began,
To be our Aycliffe lollipop man.

If wasn’t for our man called Stan,
When you crossed the road you would have ran,
Or you would get run over by that delivery van,
Now we can cross the road as happy as we can.

I know a man, his name is Stan,
He waves at my brother in his pram,
He makes me laugh, and also my Nan,
Stan, I am your biggest fan.

Stan, Stan, he’s the man,
If he can’t do it nobody can,
Everyone’s a massive fan,
Of Stan, Stan, the lollipop man.

Stan, Stan, he’s the man,
He’s like my hero, Jackie Chan,
I can remember when he began,
Stan, Stan, the lollipop man.

Stan, Stan, you’re the man,
Can you fight like Jackie Chan,
Are you the man
Who can do the Can Can?

Do you have a tan,
When you drive the van?
As a lollipop man,
Everybody loves you Stan.

Stan, Stan, you’re the man,
You help us cross because you can,
Stan, Stan, we know your plan,
To dance and do the can-can man.

Stan, Stan the lollipop man,
He has Aycliffe as his gang,
He is joined by Mrs. Laing,
Stan, Stan the lollipop man.

I know a man, his name is Stan,
He’s the bestest lollipop man,
He’ll stop that car, he’ll stop that van,
‘Cos he’s the Aycliffe Drive’s main man.

I know a man his name is Stan,
He can stop a van, I know he can,
He likes to glance at a lady called Ann,
Because she has a very nice tan.

I know this guy his name is Stan,
His lollipop looks like a frying pan,
He’s a big tall funny lollipop man
I told you his name, that’s right, it’s Stan.

Stan please will you stop that van?
I want to cross to see my Nan,
Stan, Stan, you can stop the van,
Because you help the Aycliffe clan.

I know a man, his name is Stan,
He met the ‘Weakest Link’ girl Ann,
But Jackie Chan hit him with a pan,
He’s now got a very short attention span.

To get us over the road he has a plan,
He stops the lorry so that your gran,
Can cross the road safely with friendly Stan,
Thank you she says to our lollipop man.

Happy Stan is the man,
Who says a rhyme to Mrs. Laing,
I wonder does he like strawberry flan,
It could be delivered in a van.

Now let me show you the way of Stan,
I wanted to cross the road with my Gran,
Who stopped and noticed a very small van,
But Stan stopped that van, because he can.

I know that man, whose name is Stan,
He is like a Superman,
He belongs to the Hemel clan,
Because he is our Marvel man

Stan has to stop the van,
To let a young girl called Jan,
Cross the road to perform the can can,
At Aycliffe’s concert, well that’s the plan.

When I go to school I see a man,
He’s from the mighty Aycliffe clan,
He jumps around like Peter Pan,
A number one fan of Tottenham.

He will help you cross as safely as he can,
Once he met my old, old Gran,
Now, she too is a fan,
He should be in the Pentagon.

He helped my friend Susan,
And my Aunt Dianne,
She thinks he looks like Peter Pan,
Or maybe even Superman.

I know a man his name is Stan,
Truly his best mate is me, Dan,
Like me he is a Tottenham fan,
I’m really glad his job began.

He’s great this man, this man called Stan,
He uses his stick like Jackie Chan,
Something didn’t stop, it was a van,
He turned super strong like Superman.

He helped a little boy called Dan,
By using his stick as a great big fan!
Sometimes he uses it as a frying pan,
Our funny kind, friend called Stan.

I know that man whose name is Stan,
For breakfast he eats his flakes of Bran,
I think he is a Tottenham fan,Bye Bye Stan.

He’s our man.

5 Minute Challenge Poems

Snow falling to the ground,
Everyone wrapped up warm,
But what treasures can be found,
Within the snowflakes form,
Children laughing making snowmen,
Snowflakes hit the trees,
Santa will come soon, I wonder when,
Bringing presents please!

Eve Mitchell

In my bed I snore,
Dreaming of football what a score,
I ride my bike to the store,
I fell off, my knee is sore,
I eat some sweets, I want more,
At school science is such a bore.

Eve Mitchell

Once I had a rocket,
A rocket that could fit in my pocket,
Then it fell into green sticky goo,
And now it’s not so shiny blue.

Once I had a toy car,
It came out of a chocolate bar,
Now it’s all dirty brown,
So I put it down.

Once I had an Action man,
It looked just like my Nan,
It’s really cool,
‘Cos it had a dip in the pool.

Kyle Osborne

There was a big bomb,
An alien said “Where did you come from?”
I replied “I’m Mick,”
The alien said, “And I am Nick,”
I came from Mars,
I escaped from behind bars,
And here I am now I’m free,
Able to drink a cup of tea,
Here on Earth it’s quite cold,
And you have to do as you’re told!

Kyle Osborne

On a cold frosty night,
A big green goon stood on the moon,
The moon is shiny white,
On a day like this in June.

I got a fright,
When I watched a Toon,
On this cold frosty night,
Soon it will be noon.

Kyle Osborne

Dr. Who was up in space,
Dr. Who had very bad taste,
A ghost went boo,
He got trapped in a canoe,
The Dr. was in lots of pain,
His only chance was to travel to Spain.

Luke Wilton

We’ll eat some cake,
At half past three,
Don’t be late,
You won’t have tea,
We’ll have some sausage,
And some mash,
Take the car,
But please don’t crash!

Luke Wilton

There was a cat,
Who sat on a mat,
He started to chat,
With Rob the Rat.

I saw a bat,
Eating a gnat,
He got very fat,
He wished he were flat.

Back to the cat,
Oh no! He went splat,
By a man,
In a hat.

Alfie Rolfe

I got up last night,
It was a fright,
Because a baboon,
Was smiling at the moon,
He was very old,
And looked quite cold!

Alfie Rolfe

Last night,
I got in a fight,
A fat man came,
It was a shame.

Last night,
I was tucked up tight,
I was sung a lullabye,
About a man who ate a pie!

Alfie Rolfe

As the Grandfather clock,
Went Tick Tock,
I grabbed it’s hand,
And threw it in the sand.
The concert band,
Is rather bland,
They sang a song about a mangle,
In the shape of a triangle!

David Doyle

As excited dog’s tails waggle,
My brain starts to jiggle jaggle,
I chase after my handsome dog,
And nearly tripped over a great big log,
As I run down the beautiful lane,
It makes me want to stay in Spain.

Charley Wright

Unfortunately my car had a crash,
When my friend stayed as a guest,
Dad had to dash,
To get the rest,
As mum didn’t have the cash,
To get the car looking it’s best.

Charley Wright

There was some ice,
Shaped like mice,
There was also rice,
It was very nice.

There was a white kite,
That was in flight,
In the night,
It gave me a fright.

Chloe Lummis

Here we go here we go,
Down comes all the snow,
We’ll get it high,
We’ll get it low,
Here we go here we go,
Down comes all the snow.

All the houses lay out their hay,
While in the air Santa rides his sleigh,
Round and round the world he goes,
With Rudolph and his shiny red nose.

All the children tucked in their bed,
Cuddled up to their favourite Ted,
Here we go here we go,
Down comes all the snow.

Chloe Carrington

One day I met a pest,
And he was wearing a vest,
He climbed in his nest,
And I saw him doing a maths test.

I shouted up to the tree,
He shouted back “Want a cuppa tea?”
Now I knew he was out of his mind,
I thought I had better just be kind.

I heard some banging in that tree,
He shouted, “Look what I can see,”
Then he started to watch Catherine Tate,
Eating mash and peas off her plate.

I said to stop,
I got down on my knees,
And he threw down his plate,
And said “Two more please!”
Chloe Carrington

I met a boy,
He gave me a toy,
He said, “I’m the best,”
I gave him money in a chest.

Late last night,
He gave me a fright,
While I was flying a kite,
He went on a flight.

Chloe Carrington

I’m making mash,
So you’d better dash,
Now you’re in your truck,
Just don’t get stuck.

Ashley Le Brun

There was a man who had a boar,
He kept it in his underwear drawer,
It ran out the gate,
So the man was late,
For a very, very important date.

There was a duck,
His name was Chuck,
He was stuck,
In lots of muck,
He got in his truck,
But he still was stuck!
He didn’t have much luck,
That duck called Chuck.

Hannah Davis

The bride walks down the aisle, her head held high,
Her parents proud as they cry,
The bridesmaids follow in bow and sash,
Quickly they walk down the aisle in a flash.

Sophie Leppard

Blend of colours in the sky,
As all the birds swiftly fly,
The bright colours sparkle in the light,
They give us each a blinding sight.

The night was dark,
No light shone in the park,
The night soon got very cold,
As the moon shone faintly gold.

Sophie Leppard

I sit here drawing,
While the teacher is bawling,
Bored in my chair and nothing to do,
I know that Sarah will need the loo!

Jake Ellis

I was dancing under the moon,
But it ended too soon,
My heart was bold,
But it got too cold.

Jake Ellis

My dog was called Bob,
He got chased by a mob,
One of them had a fork,
My dog started to talk,
To stop my brain getting knocked off my face,
It’s now a race, I’ve got to pick up the pace,
Me and my dog were in a chase,
Will we survive the human race?
We had to run,
They had a gun,
And so I decided to throw an iced bun,
I said to Bob “That’s it we’re done!”

Che Mc Queen

My mate ate my plate,
So I punched him in the chest,
Because he thinks he is the best.
He ate too much cake,
And got a stomach ache,
I ate my dinner,
And thought I was a sinner,
‘Cos I punched my mate in the chest,
Because he thinks he is the best,
I bought a new plate,
That was my fate.

Che Mc Queen
“Hello, I’m a frog,
I got eaten by a dog,
It wasn’t very nice,
I say it twice,
I saw it’s heart,
And in it’s belly, jam tart,
And in the night,
He gave me a fright!

Che Mc Queen

Santa’s elves are out today,
Trying to keep danger away,
Christmas Eve is ever so bright,
So Santa won’t get lost in the dead of night,
Children asleep, tucked up in bed,
Dreams of Christmas in their head.

Reece Cooper

The moonlight shone down on the houses below,
We can’t see anything, the wind does blow,
You are frightened and scared, you don’t know what to do,
But when the wind blows harder,
They are coming for you.

Chloe Wheeler

The creepy creature looks like a cat,
Or it might be a big black bat,
Down I sat,
On my mat,
Wondering if it was a rat!
My sister, the brat,
Wanting to chat,
Lay on the floor flat,
And scared away the creature that looked like a cat.

Chloe Wheeler

The snowflakes falling one by one,
People sliding on the ice,
Children outside having fun,
The warmth of my house,
Is so nice.

Adam Rose

As the night passes by,
In my bed I lie,
In my head I cry,
And give a sigh.

Adam Rose

I don’t like Brussel sprouts, they are Yuck!
I don’t like it when my bread is eaten by the duck,
I don’t like it when my chicken goes mad and starts to cluck,
I don’t like it when other people get all the luck.

Teegan Talbot

At night I go to sleep in my bed,
With my teddy, Ted,
I wake up in the morning,
Groaning and moaning,
The monsters under my bed creep out,
I scream out loud and shout,
I think of sheep,
To fall asleep,
The moon shines down on my head,
I fall asleep and the monsters are dead.

Teegan Talbot

It was a freezing night,
And at an enormous height,
I saw a baboon,
I didn’t want to look,
So instead looked at the moon.

The night was very bright,
It was a brilliant sight,
To watch the stars at such a height,
But when I look at the moon,
I wish it were noon.

Tess Young

G&T is a place you can be free,
And we always try to agree,
The things Mrs. Laing says are very nice,
In G&T you have to be wise,
I also enjoy the activities we do,
Mrs. Laing will give us a clue,
G&T is the place to be,
A place to learn, a place to be free.

Prince Sefa

I went to the bar,
Though it was far,
I went by car,
To fetch a jar.

Joshua Evans

I saw my mate,
At the gate,
He said he’d been to museum Tate,
A big machine was delivering a crate,
He said it was great!

Taylor Smith

Winter, the best time of year,
Snow falling gently down,
People full of festive cheer,
Snow covering the bark that’s brown.

Taylor Smith

Hi, my name is Faye,
My favourite day is today,
Tomorrow is Wednesday,
The next is Thursday,
My birthday’s in May,
What’s your favourite day,
I hope yours is today.

Amy Arthur

The sparkling sheet of white,
Turned out to be soft snow,
In the blue darkness of the night,
White breath comes out when I blow,
What a beautiful sight,
All that soft snow,
In the blue darkness of the night.

Amy Arthur

Tonight is the night,
That we have watch the fight,
It will be very dark,
In the green grassy park,
Our snack is going to be a rib,
So remember to bring your bright orange bib!

Amy Arthur

In the dark and gloomy night,
When the ghosts come into sight,
I grab my pillow over my eyes ever so tight,
Noises, noises in the night.

Kelly Johnson

There was an alien ship,
That had a fright,
When he choked on a pip,
But it turned out alright.

Kelly Johnson

I’ll meet you at the bend,
At the end,
Of the day,
I say, why don’t we play,
At Rocky Bay,
I’d like to play with clay,
Said Mae.

Alex Clarke

The mice took some spice,
And rolled the dice,
They thought it was nice,
One was shy,
And started to cry,
‘Cos he didn’t like it,
He’d told a lie.

Alex Clarke

In my house,
I have a cat,
His name is Sprouse,
And he chased a rat.

The rat is hiding somewhere,
Underneath the old armchair,
One day I got out that cat,
“Go and find that horrid rat.”

Amy Ba

I drove in my car,
And went to the bar,
I drank my beer in a jar,
And did the Cha cha cha!

Ryan Osborne

I was walking the plank,
As the old ship sank,
The pirate’s name was Frank,
He always drank,
He sits on the plank,
Looking blank.

Lauren Ashby

There was a loved king,
He liked to sing,
The king was rich, he had lots of bling,
That was the life of the very rich king.

Lauren Ashby

I’ve got this batch of hay I have to catch,
I’ll put in in my little hatch,
Then I’ll lock the little latch,
‘Cos I’ve got to go to the match.

Nicola Davies

The king is wearing his crown,
But today he feels really down,
The throne is was sitting on,
Felt like a lumpy pom pom,
His crown dropped,
Out his tears popped,
He was upset all day long.

Nicola Davies

My friend walked around the bend,
To get the latest fashion trend,
She thought the walking would never end!

Tilly Minns

Shining so sparkly, it is sand,
Get so hot, need to be fanned?
It doesn’t get canned,
Does it come from another land?

Joseph Wootten

Yeah! For Ickle Pickle,
He has found himself a nickel,
He is so hunky,
But also chunky,
Oh look! A treasure chest,
No I’ll hide it in my nest.

Joseph Wootten

Snowmen in the streets,
Keep warm and stayin bed,
And eat lots of sweets,
By morning they will lose their heads.

Daniel Toley

I’m going to Aqua Splash,
I am going to have to dash,
Before I have my sausage and mash,
Hopefully I won’t have a crash,
With a man who has a moustache.

Daniel Toley

In the dead of night,
Such a horrible sight,
Zombies strolling,
Me calling,
In the dead of night,
Such a horrible sight,
I will run and run,
Calling for my mum,
I run and run while zombies come.

Daniel Toley

Today I have got a maths test,
And so I will try my best,
The maths test is out of eight,
And I am going to try and beat Kate.

Daniel Toley

I am going into space,
It is a floatable place,
The planet I went to was Mars,
And it’s full of cholcolate bars.

Daniel Toley

I went to the trees and saw a pretty chick,
When I went there my hair was neat and slick,
I saw people playing footy by the bricks,
They pulled off some very nice tricks,
I bought a lolly and took some licks,
Watching dogs chasing sticks.

Jack Price

The snow is a beautiful colour, crystal white,
I love to play in the cold snow,
A frosty blanket on the ground at night,
People kissing under mistletoe,
Come on people let’s have a snowball fight,
Christmas time is so jolly,
Watching snow, fall what a sight,
Seeing what presents you got, Gosh Golly!

Jack Price

Robbers scavenging houses at night,
While the moon is shining ever so bright,
Robbing houses looking for money,
What will people think when it’s sunny?
Creeping away in silence,
Runs away when he hears the sirens,
Gets caught by police,
Says let me go please?

Jack Price

I have a fish who swims in his tank,
My uncle who bought it his name is Frank,
Yesterday he went to the bank,
This piece of paper is blank,
So my uncle had to walk the plank.

Emma Staines

I went to the beach and got tanned,
In the sand,
I saw a band marching on the land,
My hand was full of sand,
When I went to see the band.

Chloe Oliffe

Cold snowy winter’s day,
Sun peeping as gentle as snow,
Like a bright day in early May,
Watch the snow fall and flow,
As the tired sun creeps away,
Children sleep ready for a new day.

Ashlea Brewin

A small mountain,
A great big moon,
A dark blue sky in the month of June,
A trickle of rain,
A cloud of blue,
Someone is watching over you.

Ashley Brewin

So cold and white,
It is snowing,
It is freezing at night,
And the wind is blowing.

Jay Wright

The crust of bread,
It was stale,
The bread was on the board.

Christopher Clark

It was a winter fright,
Dark black sky, all through the night,
There was a frightened cry,
Out came the huge brave knight.

Christopher Clark

Walking in the sand,
Here comes the band,
They look very grand,
Give them a hand,
Coming up the sand,
To play on their stand.

Daniel Cain

It is winter’s night,
All the alleys give you a fright,
Walking the ground,
Snow is swirling all around.
Daniel Cain

Friday 27 February 2009

The First Day of Spring 2009

The Aycliffe Drive G&T students have used questioning skills to improve the main clause of a sentence and add subordinate clauses. They have written descriptive sentences about the first warm days of spring.

The sun tiptoed slowly over the dim forest, at midday the clouds parted, everything turned lime green as the delicate leaves were silhouetted against the blue sky. Finally winter had been defeated by spring. As the sun warmed the snow began to disappear and the first lime green shoots emerged. The chirp chirping of the birds could be heard.
Teegan Year 5

The sun shone softly through the clouds in the afternoon. Birds sang sweetly in the silhouetted trees. The sun was gazing down on my golden brown face. It was hot; the warm breeze strolled through my dark blonde hair as I sat in the pear green park. The sun was staring at the green grass and the cool breeze was twirling the afternoon shadows.

Jack Year 5

It was morning and the sunrays shone the colour of butter. The warmth of the sun fell on the river, which was alive and flowing. The world had woken up from winter, and it was now spring. Up in the old oak in the bird’s nests it was peaceful and calm. The park was getting hot and busy with activity.

Eve Year 5

Early morning and the sun shone as bright as a star from the previous night in the blue sky. The peaceful sounds of spring filled the air. Winter had been beaten once again by the bright giant shining through the trees. At the top of the hill it would have been as hot as a kettle had it not been for the gentle breeze blowing through the air. Pink blossom trees as soft as marshmallows hummed with bees flying through the spring sky. The birds sang sweetly in the morning in the old oak tree welcoming the world to the first day of spring.

Kelly Year 5
When the animals gave birth the sun shone like a golden flower, making dancing patches of light over the leaning trees. The bubble bath clouds parted. It was noon and the blossom began to look like marshmallows on the candyfloss trees; the sun reflecting on their smiling faces as the war over winter had been won.

Jake Year 5

The sun strolled across the sky, it was an early spring morn. The depressing dullness had left once again, winter had been defeated. Feebly birds sang, trying to fight the spring breeze as they sat high in the treetops. Sounding like angels, they sang from above. Spring had begun, birds were celebrating.

Alfie Year 6

Behind the sunlit woods the sun shone brightly over the green fields waking up the tiny shoots of corn on the first hot day of spring.

Christopher Year 4

In the morning as the clouds parted the birds sang beautifully. In the lime green fields the sun shone brightly as the wind flew lazily through the sky. It was scorching hot and the sun was shining down on the flowing river. As the flowers opened, the warmth surrounded them like a blanket.

Chloe Year 5

The sun shone down happily on the small village in the valley at midday. By the afternoon it was getting warm. The birds sang softly on a wall as the leaves slowly opened on the trees, beautiful to watch, it was at last spring.

Joseph Year 4

It was morning and the sun shone as bright as a star, like the dandelion stars dotted in the middle of the meadow, down onto the little cottage. By midday the sun was generating more heat that warmed the steaming thatch on the rooftop.

Ryan Year 4

As midday passed, the sun shone brightly, as if it were a spotlight on a stage. Great rays of sunlight came beaming down, the gigantic ruby red orb hanging like a bauble in the blue blanket sky. The weather was gradually warming as the clouds parted in the refreshed new world. A slight breeze flew by chilling the early warmth of spring. Bare trees turn to blossomed candyfloss, soft and gentle.

Amy Year 5

At midday the sun shone, peeping brightly through the trees. It was the first hot day of spring in the quiet woods, winter was once again defeated. It was hot and the spring warmth awakened the buds and the trees stretched tall. Up in the branches the birds introduced their families to the world with their new beautiful spring song high up from their stage.

Tess Year 5

The clouds parted, the sun shone, uncovering a changing world. In the spring of 1959 the sun stood above a mountain. At midday it was hot, the golden rays shone softly on a small village it was like stepping into another world. Spring had tiptoed in and had overtaken winter. The birds sang carelessly in the lime green trees almost in harmony singing to encourage spring.

Ashlea Year 5

The sun shone dimly onto the field of greens, it was a bright warm day, the first hot day of spring. While the birds gazed into the fresh spring breeze they sang sweetly. On the hillside a clear breeze swept across my face, blowing my hair this way and that. Leaves began to open as the winter was defeated and the sun slowly crept out from behind the winter clouds.

Daniella Year 4

As the sun shines brightly like the colours in a rainbow onto the light blue riverside, my reflection hits the cool water next to me. The world awakens as it turns to face spring. The bees enter their hives and the tulip bulbs begin to crack as the sun begins to show its light.

Taylor Year 6

It was a warm, sunny, peaceful morning as the light pored through the candy puff clouds. The sun shone as brightly as a star on the hillside and the birds sang their sweet song to welcome the spring.

Tilly Year 4

The birds sang sweetly in the fresh valley near the hushed village in the early morning. The sun shone brightly, a happy day because it was spring once again. It was hot near the river, everywhere was warm. The leaves began to open softly in the peaceful park.

Nicola Year 4

It was midday and the sun shone brightly on a hushed hillside, the clouds had cleared. The beautiful tulips opened their buds in the sun’s warmth as the birds sat peacefully in the treetops.

Emma Year 4

It was dawn and the sun shone brightly in the lush woods onto the lime green leaves. The birds sang loudly, perched on top of a branch to awaken their friends. The sun beamed down into the misty woods. It had just turned spring and the leaves had gradually opened in the quiet woods by the flowing river.

Kyle Year 6

At the crack of dawn the birds sang in a high pitched tone in the top of the lime green leaved tree, celebrating the end of a long winter. Early in the morning the brightly lit sun shone over the deep blue lake; the second day of spring.

David Year 6

The sun shone brightly on the calm peaceful riverside, reflected in the gracefully swaying water. It was a calm beautiful spring morning. In the blissful woodland glade the blossoming trees shaded the newborn flowers, as the cool breeze was banished by the replenishing heat of the sun.

Prince Year 6

It was early spring in the peaceful park. The sapling trees swayed gracefully in the warm wind. The small trees swaying together in a sapphire sky. The beautiful bird calls were heard from high up in the older towering trees.

Alex Year 6

It was daybreak as the sun shone brightly in the crystal clear cloudless sky, down onto the flowing river as winter had gone and spring had begun. Near the swirling river the air was hot as the birds gracefully flew over the treetops reflecting in the river. The noisy robins sang at dawn in the hush nearby village as people were still cosy in bed.

Sophie Year 6

At midday the sun shone brightly as the golden dandelions raised their faces to the sky, standing out against the dark green field.

Daniel Year 5

It was early morning and the bright golden sun shone down on the happy children that were playing in the spring woods. In the breeze the robins sang beautifully to one another as mother birds fed their hungry young. Lavender flowers start to blossom in the emerald green fields beyond the calm woods.

Charlie Year 6

The sun shone brightly on the winding river, the clouds gradually fading as the young robins were singing, waiting for the mother bird to feed them. The trees buds opening in the calm valley as the warm air was rushing around the countryside.

Adam Year 6

The sun shone gracefully on the first flowers of the springtime, the green fields softly growing back as the sun gets higher and higher in the blue skies. The baby robins sing as they hatch out of their eggs.

Daniel Year 4

The sun shone brightly on the mythical island over the waving palm trees. It was spring and down by the river the glistening midday; sun was hot. As it became brighter, the shadows darkened.

Che Year 6

The sun shone gently on the crystal clear water as puffed clouds parted and lime green leaves blew in the spring breeze. It was afternoon and on the hillside flower buds started to open as spring began. A drop of dew sat on a blade of grass, it shone as bright as a diamond. A chill wind blows.

Lauren Year 4

Spring had come early. In the morning it was already boiling in the peaceful park. The sun shone down brightly.

Chloe Year 6

It was morning and the sun was shining over the trees and into the woods. The clouds were walking across the sky and the sun shone onto the new leaves. By noon in the brightly lit woods the sun shone through the cloudless sky down onto the colourful flowers as winter faded.

Joshua Year 5

The sun shone brightly, like a golden daffodil, by the side of a shallow river in the early morn. In the forest, whilst swooping gracefully through the trees, birds sang sweetly.

Hannah Year 6

The sun shone brightly in the early morning sky as the clouds parted. The air was hot.

Chloe Year 6

The sun shone gracefully down on it’s own reflection in the wonderful lake. It was early morning and the first hot day of spring. At the lakeside the fluttering birds flew joyfully over the lakes’ rippling waters, coming back from their winter homes.

Luke Year 6

Early morning, and the sun shone brightly in the woods by a lake. The sun was hot and the birds sang peacefully, happy because spring had arrived. The leaves began to open gracefully, free at last.

Ashley Year 6

In the early morning, after the rain and clouds had disappeared, the sun shone brightly over the wet beach. It was a hot glistening day and the cold winds had vanished from the countryside.

Amy Year 6

At midday the golden sun shone down brightly on the beautiful pink blossom in the lush woods, for spring was here.

Reece Year 6