Thursday 13 September 2007

Peacock Poems

These poems were inspired by looking carefully at photos of the peacock and close ups of the beautiful feathers.

We planned our poems by looking firstly at the colours, then the patterns. We then went onto thinking about movement and character before considering the uses made of these beautiful feathers, and any mystical slant we may want to add to create our poem.

The poems are written in free verse but some of the children used their planning to make them into Cinquain Poetry.


The Peacock

The Peacock,
The majestic Emperor of the land,
The million teardrop eyes,
Weary of staring through time,
The fan of feathers attracting passers-by,
His crown placed perfectly on his head,
The iridescent sapphire blue glowing softly.

The Peacock

Blue, orange, green and gold,
With their tails fanning out behind them,
Like a veil,
Until they lift them and an arch of colour evolves,
Tall, glamorous and elegant when they strut,
With the eyes on their feathers,
Watching you as you stare in amazement.

The Peacock

The emerald body shimmies in the light,
He starts to walk elegantly,
Circles within circles,
Colours shine proudly,
Spring blue eyes look like a mask,
His head dancing like an Egyptian,
Feathers with eyes that stare back at you.


The Peacock

Shimmering yellow in the sky,
Aqua blue in your eye,
His rainbow arch a festival green,
The elegant beast walks with a gleam,
It has a mask that’s snowy white,
Delicate circles, Oh so bright,
Shimmering shells in it’s eye,
As it looks up in the sky,
It has beautiful quills
As precious as treasure,
A colourful cloak hiding such pleasure,
And inside this quilt
Is a Peacock
The Peacock

Silvery feathers glimmer in the night,
All of them shining bright,
Look at how he shows them off,
Standing proud,
Looking beautiful,
His all-seeing eyes sparkle in the moonlight,
What a wonderful sight.

The Peacock

Sparkling eye like a crystal ball,
Wavy tail like the sea,
Walks like a majestic King,
A petrol blue flair,
Dancing elegantly from left to right,
A glittering green walks away in the sunset.

Alfie Rolfe
Magical Blue,
Beautiful bright feathers,
Elegant, graceful, very smart,
The Peacock

Peacock, Peacock, your colours are fine,
That lovely sea blue, I wish you were mine
Your beautiful patterns look like a rainbow,
With wonderful colours of green, blue and yellow,
Your movement is beautiful, elegant and proud,
And the sound of your cry is so very loud,
Your eyes are magical and wonderful green
You really are a sight to be seen.

Magical blue,
Hopping like a Kangaroo,
A happy, excited, strutting,
The Peacock

Sea blue circles,
King of blue,
Woven feathers,
As beautiful as a royal King,
Finest beautiful feathers,
Magical quills,
He hides his face with a mystical mask.
The Peacock

Deep sea-blue eyes staring at the sun,
Elegant feathers, emerald green,
Treasure like glamorous gold,
Quill covered decoration,
Emerald green.

The Peacock

Peacock, oh peacock,
What beautiful feathers you have,
Sapphire blue,
Emerald green,
Auburn orange and
Purple amethyst,
Open your tail,
Like a fabulous gigantic fan Chinese fan,
Circles within circles,
Like magical all-seeing eyes.
Your feathers are magic,
Sort after quills,
Every letter written is
A different mystical colour.
Oh peacock, oh peacock,
You are such a show off,
Elegant, haughty and proud.
Amy Arthur
Colourful bird,
Elegant and graceful,
Show off, superior and proud,
The Peacock

This beautiful bird is a lovely sea blue,
It’s masked black eyes seeing right through you,
It is arrogant and proud, and shouts very loud,
It’s feathers with a thousand eyes,
Open up with surprise,
Overlapping as they strut,
It’s eyes closed shut,
The magical feathers bring romance to females,
When dropped as a gift from their rainbow tails.

The Peacock

White faces like snow,
A rainbow of eyes,
The star of the show,
And King of all the animals,
Diesel green body,
Jewel encrusted feathers,
Like a veil of mystery,
The metallic emeralds glimmer.
Feathers lapping each other like waves,
A lost feather a healing remedy for the phoenix,
A peacock’s favourite friend.

The Peacock

The peacock stands like a soldier,
Dressed in sapphire blue,
It shows off it’s beautiful emerald green umbrella,
Where golden raindrops fall,
It’s crown on the back of his head,
He is as proud as a King.


The Peacock

The peacock strides in silence,
His lacy train following behind,
All seeing eyes staring,
The hundreds of eyes of the giant Argos,
It’s plumage iridescent like a dragonfly,
His round firm head crowned with a tufted Mohican.

He is the King of feathers,
As he struts majestically,
Sauntering in full regalia like a newly crowned Maharaja,
The dull, muddy peahens take hardly any notice,
He tries to impress with his loud screeching call,
Whilst nodding cheekily as if a dancing Egyptian.

Staring at other silent birds,
His shining emerald, gold azure markings,
Like a charm to protect it’s wearer,
A symbol of Divinity, rank and power,
He is a lively landscape,
The guard to the gates of Paradise.


The Peacock

The Peacock gracefully walks lavishly in the lemon sunlight,
It’s neck coloured blue like the tropical seas,
It’s head up looking around majestically,
It’s metallic iridescent body glistens in the daylight,
A turquoise feathery fan suddenly appears like a carnival headdress,
Each feathers eye has a secret behind it but what?


The Peacock

A walking rainbow,
An Egyptian Pharaoh
With his headdress of colourful feathers and precious
He drops his feathers as he struts regally,
The Pixies come out to collect them for their magical
He reveals the veil of a beautiful cloak,
Trailing along the emerald green grass,
A carnival of rainbows with a hundred eyes,
A forest of multi-coloured feathers,
What lies at the end of this magical rainbow?

The Peacock

It’s body so navy blue, like the glistening sea
swaying gently,
Feathers emerald green a neck of gold,
A festival of eyes watching you,
It’s tail arched like a rainbow,
Lacy threads woven,
Proud but cheekily he nods his head,
Dancing like an Egyptian God,
But in the end a feather stands
All alone on display,
Turning old and dusty by the minute.

The Peacock

Shimmering feathers of turquoise blue and emerald
The peacock displays his fan,
The colours magnificent like oil on water.

Strutting showing off to the world,
He is the most handsome bird around,
Moving this way and that for all to see.

He is the king with the crown on his head,
Respected like royalty,
The title is his alone,
Stepping out like a pompous King.

The Peacock

Many colours can be seen,
Mainly blue with tints of green,
Pearlescent colours match my eyes,
Feathers glistening
What a surprise.

Standing proud with headdress bold,
Semi-circular eyes in every fold,
The male peacock stating his claim,
The female, although graceful, not the same.

The peacocks tail has plates of illusion,
So many colours it causes confusion,
He walks so very tall and vain,
As he struts his way around the field again.

The Peacock

Metallic feathers
sway in the wind,
A fan of colours
gleam in the sun.

A sapphire crown
sits on his head,
A long robe trails behind
As he parades to his wedding.

A million shining eyes
Glow like the silver stars,
Looking into a future,
That we cannot see.


The Peacock

The peacock's bright feathers are like a tropical ocean,
Proudly strolls showing off his grand feathers,
She looks like an Egyptian King
Her arch of feathers, like a rainbow fan glistening in the sunlight,
It's lacy multicoloured circles look like a hundred eyes,
The peacock's tail, like a brides veil,
The graceful peacock,
the most important of all the land.


The Peacock

The fan opened,
One million eyes stare,
Circles overlapping circles,
Showing off it’s feathered headdress,
Proud of who it is
Performing it’s exotic Egyptian dance,
It’s golden feathers gleam in the sunlight,
The eyes, shining black pearls,
It’s glistening chest protrudes,
A mask of a zebra,
Golden treasure hidden beneath.


The Peacock

Feathers like sapphire seas,
Turquoise lace covering eyes,
Metallic jade glides over it’s glistening neck,
It’s eyes like jet black dart boards,
With piercing white scars around them.

As feathers drop from it’s magnificent body,
Their magic calls to the Pixies,
Who climb aboard and fly away,
More and more feathers drop
And are taken away for uses to us unkown.

The Peacock

The peacock stands tall and proud,
His blue and green feathers stand out from the crowd,
He unwraps his wings for us all to see,
The beautiful colours so bright and feathery.

As we sit and wait for the peacocks eyes to illuminate,
Feathers so tall and head held high,
What a magnificent bird,
All the other birds cry.

The Peacock

Golden yellow,
Sapphire blue eyes,
On the beautiful emerald,
Iridescent green feathers,
The graceful, pompous peacock,
Walking like an Egyptian King,
With a crown of beautiful blue,
A hundred feathers,
A million eyes,
A forest of feathers, a carnival of rainbows.

The Peacock

As the peacock gracefully roamed,
Many heads would turn as it’s plate of illusion was lifted,
Then it’s crown would sit perched.

As it shows off, many people would glance,
And watch such pride and beauty,
As it takes big deep strides into mating territory.

Eyes would lift as the magnificent heads float in mid-air,
As it’s emerald and gold cape is lifted,
As choices are made the king is left with no partner.

And so the magnificent creature slowly fades,
You see him slumped,
As he looks away, back to his home,
For yet another season.

The Peacock

Turquoise blue,
Shimmering green,
Raindrop eyes.
An arched rainbow,
The peacock drops it’s tail like a wedding veil,
It poses like a celebrity.

The shell like feathers petrol blue,
Then a gently glowing green,
Nodding softly,
Which of these is it really?

The Peacock

The emerald green peacock
Hops around
Proud and showing off
Trailing his fan like lace behind him

His tail feathers always watching you
From a distance,
With his bright colourful eyes,
His all-seeing eyes
Disguised with a magical mask.


Magical blue,
Feathery tail trailing,
Travelling around feeling proud,

The Peacock

A lovely King of wonderful colours,
Always self-conscious,
Never stopping to say ‘Hello’.


The Peacock

Emerald feathery skin,
With a white and black hard mask,
Aqua blue, silky chest,
Overlapping, swirling feathers,
A thousand eyes are looking at you,
How do they grow such colourful feathers?
I see a huge rainbow as he shows off his plumage,
Like a light to the peahens.


The Peacock
It can watch you from behind,
Using it’s aqua jade eyes,
It romantically walks with pride,
Circles within circles keeping their eyes on you,
Sometimes he walks with his tail down
And appears to be very sad,
Sometimes he walks
With his tail fanned like a headdress,
He is such a beautiful bird.


The Peacock,

Alexander the Great was so amazed
When he saw these birds,
He threatened any one who maimed or killed them
With heavy torture, not empty words.

The peacock was the bird of Hera,
She herself the Queen of the Gods,
It’s remarkable colours and patterns
Spreading starrily as it nods.

Before the beginning of rainfall,
Peacocks utter an unpleasant wail or cry,
Adorned with eye-like markings
At night they like to roost up high.

Fiery feathers are renewed each year,
A jewelled fan of sapphires, emeralds and gold,
Extravagant, exotic, exciting,
Many stories of them are told!

The Peacock

Feathers shine like sapphire seas,
Turquoise laces covered in eyes,
Beautiful metallic eyes glaring,
Aqua blue,
A continuous rainbow rising high,
Opens it’s wonderful arc of beauty,
A king, walking regally to his palace.


The Peacock

It’s mask as white as glistening snow,
It’s tail like a carnival headdress,
Trailing like a wedding veil,
A proud peacock nodding cheekily

It’s tail a clash of petrol blue and emerald green,
It’s body the colour of Azure seas,
It’s raindrop eyes so beautiful and jet black.

The Peacock

A million eyes,
Arched turquoise rainbow,
A fan of colours,
A forest of emerald feathers,
Sapphire rainbow drops,
Lacy, multicoloured,
A festival of eyes.

The Peacock

Glistening green and amber yellow,
Circles on stripes, chestnut brown and turquoise blue,
As it’s pyramid body proudly shows itself off,
The hundreds of eyes watching everything,
The feathered tail could be used for a queen.
